I can tell by my web statistics and the frequent visitors to my Coming Soon page, that many of you are wondering when my next book will be released. Please have patience with me as I go through a re-evaluation of where I want to focus my writing in the future.
For the past couple years, I've been writing REALLY hot romances under another pen name. While these books were profitable, my heart wasn't in them. Even worse, they prevented me from writing what I loved to write: A hot contemporary with unforgettable characters and few opinionated animals thrown into the mix.
As of December 2011, I left behind my other pen name to direct my energies on books like Fourth and Goal.
Forward Passes, Tyler's story and the sequel to Fourth and Goal, is complete, and I'm currently shopping for a suitable home for this book. I love Tyler, as screwed up as he is, and I think you will, too. His book deserves a special publisher, and it may take me a while to find the right one.
Meanwhile, I'm not sitting around idly waiting for Tyler's book to sell. I'm several chapters into Book 3 in the Seattle Lumberjacks series. I'm also working on another series set in the small Eastern Washington town I grew up in. Book one is practically writing itself. Lastly, I have about 10,000 of Mitch's story (Rachel's surly brother from Fourth and Goal).
Lastly, I wrote two short stories for an anthology with Ellora's Cave authors Cassandra Carr and Cristal Ryder. The release date for this anthology is late spring.
So even though I may not have a book on the horizon, I do have a lot of irons in the fire.